Research in the master´s in education in Colombia, preliminary looks at research trends

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Reina Saldaña Duque
Gabriela Bonilla
Kimberlyn Dayana Montenegro
Valentina Alvarado Marroquín
Maria Camila Ortiz Millán
Ingrid Viviana Herrera Cubillos
Sharon Lizeth Gonzalez Ramírez


Education, Pedagogy, Training, Research in master’s degrees, Quality


This article of documentary review and reflection on the Master’s in Education programs in Colombia, seeks to determine the offer, administrative structure, educational organization, as well as its geographical location and involvement and commitment at the investigative level of said programs, the incidence of their networks and inquiry groups in socio-cultural fields and practices.

Likewise, it suggests a look at the regulatory framework that regulates them, emphasizing high-quality accreditation requirements and going through the burden of significance that the quality attribute implies. It focuses on the research emphases of the programs and the research groups that support it, based on the publications that are socialized and incorporated in Min Ciencias, with the purpose of reflecting on its importance. A reflection is made on the perspectives of the research that is being developed and the implications regarding pedagogy, based on the meaning that is taken in the different modalities observed, as perspectives of knowledge.

Abstract 176 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 107


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