Project based learning (PBL) as a methodological strategy in the entrepreneurship subject at the Simón Bolívar Educational Institution in the municipality of Guacarí

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Gustavo Adolfo Bustamante Espinosa


Project-based learning, Entrepreneurship, Cooperative work, Technical media


This article was aimed at analyzing the level of acceptance of the proposal for the implementation of the ABP system in the area of entrepreneurship, identifying how it affects the interest of students in the 10th and 11th grades of technical high school. The design of the study was elaborated with a qualitative approach, of descriptive type since it focused on knowing the opinion of each one of the young people, supported by observation and documentary analysis. It is a research with a descriptive exploratory transectional design that seeks and analyzes several sources of reference, for this study it is proposed to work with a sample of 50 students of the 10th and 11th grades of the technical high school in the mentioned institution by means of face-to-face surveys in semi-structured interviews and in this way to apply the didactics under this methodology that allows to create learning thanks to the planning of the students depending on the teacher to solve the problem from the characterization of the students. After the analysis of the information collected, it is evident that the level of acceptance of the proposal for the implementation of the PBL system in the area of Entrepreneurship is high, and the interest of students in the application of this methodology in the proposal “Casa banquetera” is identified.

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