Democratization of knowledge. A seminar of the university progrm for seniors, which brings the university closer to the elderly in the rural world
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University Programs for Seniors, Lifelong Learning, Adult Education, Education for the Elderly, Lifelong Education in rural áreas, Education in values
This work is part of a research line that we are developing at the University of Santiago de Compostela on adult education, particularly focusing on the University Programs for Seniors, as a part of this education.
In this case, we focus on the analysis of an activity or modality that has been carried out by the University Program for Seniors at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
To do so, first of all, we will try to establish the relationship between lifelong learning, lifelong education and these programs, and then we will make a brief development of the evolution of these programs.
Next, we will systematize the objectives and aims pursued, both in terms of training and the development or maintenance of skills, abilities and attitudes that enable students to maintain a good quality of life, relating them to the general dimensions of intervention.
Next, we set out the minimum conditions and structural characteristics that these programs must have in order to be considered as university training programs but adapted to the specialties or profile of each university and, specifically, of the extensions of the program at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
To conclude with the analysis of the modality, specifically the Democratization of Knowledge Program developed by the University of Santiago in the province of Pontevedra, as well as the results derived from this educational intervention.
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