Beyond learning

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Agustín de la Herrán Gascón


Pedagogy, General Didactics, Learning, Education, Consciousness, Paradigm, Complexity


The essay argues on the thesis that basing education on learning is a radical error caused by a myopic consciousness. It works from the Central European epistemological tradition, in which the fields (education, teaching, learning, training, curriculum, etc.) are differentiated from disciplines, and where Pedagogy and General Didactics are the Sciences of Education and teaching par excellence. It is developed from the radical and inclusive approach to education. This perspective is different and complementary to that of the consensual pedagogical paradigms (positivist, interpretative or socio-critical) and has been defined as the fourth paradigm. It assumes a theory of the formation of maxims that is not exempt from utopia, understood as the blood of education. It takes as a reference the concept/phenomenon of full education. Full education includes both the existential dimension of the human being and its essential dimension, normally unnoticed, neglected or ignored by Pedagogy and General Didactics and the supranational organizations that deal with education. Hence the qualifier ‘inclusive’.

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