System of methodological recommendations based on play-work for the preparation of learning environments in the care of children with Down Sydrome

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Lorena del Rocío Santos Mendoza
Yita Maribel Briones Palacios


Recommendation system, Work game, Learning environments, Down yndrome


We face a new educational reality so that it is necessary to rethink the methodological proposals so that they respond to each of the educational needs and provide the same learning opportunity to all students. Taking into account that children with Down syndrome have educational needs due to the intellectual disability associated with their condition, the teaching environment in which they develop must promote active learning where they can play, explore and experiment through play-work. However, there are still barriers to their learning that have to do with their loss of attention and the teacher’s methodological problems. Therefore, the objective of the research was “To design a system of methodological recommendations based on play-work for the preparation of learning environments in the care of children with Down syndrome, in sublevel II of the Federico Froebel Early Education Center.”. The research methodology was carried out with a mixed, field approach, with a transversal non-experimental design using techniques and instruments such as: scientific participant observation and semistructured interviews supported by guides; The investigation was carried out on a child with Down syndrome and his teachers. In conclusion, the research determined that there are few bibliographic sources that provide methodological recommendations for early education teachers to follow, children with Down syndrome easily lose focus and teachers have little knowledge about the ideal way to carry out the learning process. teaching to children who have this condition.

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