Abandonment and mistreatment in early childhood, a look from public policy

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Helder Acevedo Franco
Catalina Gallego Tobón
Yancelly Gómez Parra


Early Childhood, Social Work, Families, boys and girls, abandonment, Child Mistreatment, Poverty, Intrafamily Violence, Human Rights, Housing


At present, the early childhood care in Colombia UN It is becoming grave problem as lack of resources , armed displacement, lack of employment opportunities and lack of education makes families Come out of the country to seek opportunities elsewhere and Let your children to the care of others or alternatively be given in adoption to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute , which is so Important the Early Childhood in the Country, Which child programs and resources invested by the state for improving their Development Integral, the objective of this article is to investigate and identify which ones and son because cases and reasons Abandon in Colombian homes using. 

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