Análysis of the costs of flower production in the department of Cundinamarca derived from occupational carcinogenic effects on workers in the sector

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Nidya Gómez Ramírez


Occupational cancer, Costs, Productivity, Floriculture, Farming


The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that about 35. 000 people die annually as a result of cancer, of which 20% of these cases come from the agricultural sector (Organización Mundial de la Salud OMS, 2022), with an average report of occupational diseases 15% higher than in other sectors of the economy (Comisión Nacional de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, 2008), it is estimated that these diseases increase production costs by up to 12% as a result of contracts for temporary staff, In this sense, the present study proposes to analyse how occupational diseases, specifically cancer in the flower growing sector, affect production costs and consequently the productivity of companies, filling a gap in the research on the relationship between production costs and occupational cancer, for which statistical methods will be used to determine the existence of this relationship. 468 results but 3,559 met the selection criteria of costs, productivity and occupational cancer, indicating the relationship between the variation in costs as a result of the diagnosis of occupational disease.

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