Effectiveness of perceptual audio methodology through the use of Stereo Book Nonfiction Hearing, to develop listening comprehension
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audio perceptual methodology, tereo Book Nonfiction Hearing, skills development, llistening comprehension
Listening comprehension is the fundamental premise in developing the remaining skills, as the first phase, it provides the foundation and facilitates student’s achievement of correct pronunciation, good intonation and familiarity with communication functions. However, there is not enough research on this linguistic skill. This study focuses on examining the effectiveness of the Audio Perceptual Methodology to develop the listening comprehension of English, through the use of the Stereo Book Nonfiction Hearing, in language center 6th level students of the engineering faculty at Chimborazo National University. In the period between March and July of 2013 a cross - sectional, quasi - experimental and correlational study was carried out, applying participant observation. Evidence was collected to support the idea that this book allowed students to improve their English language learning through a perceptual audio methodological process. The methodology made it possible to optimize the teaching-learning process, in a different way since it motivates the students to develop listening comprehension, with the support of a stereo program that can be heard through various technological means.
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