The influence of social networks on university students

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Galo Alfredo Flores Lagla
Juan Carlos Chancusig Chisag
José Augusto Cadena Moreano
Oscar Alejandro Guaypatín Pico
Raúl Humberto Montaluisa Pulloquinga


social networks, impact, influence, novel, instant messaging


In recent years social networks have gone from being a means of improving communication to have a negative impact on much of the students, currently technology is one of the most influential means in the social environment in which we live, it is now Very common to find a student immersed in the world of the internet, because young people perfectly manage social networks, because it allows them to perform a variety of activities, such as: upload photographs, post a state, upload videos, interact with other people , Comment on any subject, etc., so that the student does not take advantage of the great benefits that these means can give him, in relation to his learning. The students are always carried away by the novelty of the moment, by the great advance of the technology the students look for the way to be in the top, in such a way that this becomes part of their daily life, allowing the student to be communicated the 24 Hours of the day, because it has an instant messaging system. The objective of this article is to determine the level of influence of social networks in the students of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, analyzing if social networks absorb student time in the academic field, to know if the use of social networks are favorable Or destructive to the student, and thus generate awareness in young people about the advantages and disadvantages of social networks, the types of risk that are exposed daily when using the Internet, when it provides private information to strangers, Orienting teachers, so that they can talk with students about the correct use of social networks.

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