Theoretical considerations to the early entrepreneurial activity TEA

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Pablo Andrés Velásquez Beltran
Jirma Elizabeth Veintimilla Ruiz


Theoretical considerations, Early Entrepreneurial Activity, Entrepreneurship, Index


Entrepreneurial activity at an early age is measured through the TEA index, the entrepreneurial dynamics that exist in a country and the importance it charges for national development in terms of job creation and innovation, the present article established the theoretical considerations of the Early Employee Activity, by contrasting the results obtained in studies carried out in Latin American countries such as Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru and Venezuela in order to contrast the main results obtained from these 2015 researches obtained from GEM magazine, Ecuador presents an entrepreneurial index of 33.6% Guatemala 12.3%, Peru 22.2% and being Venezuela that has the lowest TEA in Latin America of 15.4%, said country in relation to Ecuador maintains a difference of 18.2%, Ecuador maintains the highest TEA index in the region in the last years, allowing the development of the Productive Matrix to be strengthened with the main players for the country’s growth.

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