Social psychology of mathematics

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Julio Ramiro Salazar Molina
Oscar Alejandro Guaypatín Pico
Galo Alfredo Flores Lagla


Myth, fear, education, learning, mathematics, ocial psychology


Mathematics has been for generations always a special challenge at all levels of education in our country. It has had to face the great fear in students who see it as a wealth of knowledge unachievable which it must be acquired regardless of social status. Those who suffer from fear of mathematics arises from the lack of confidence of themselves, fear of numbers, to the blackboard or even the unknown. The teaching of mathematics in early childhood education has been a source of concern for parents, teachers and specialists; the teaching of mathematics has shown constant obstacles and difficulties that so far could not be solved by mathematicians, psychologists and educators. Eradicate fear, terror or myths about mathematics is important in our lives; it has caused a lot of damage to students and the society. It is imperative to generate an atmosphere of trust in order to determine the shortcomings and ultimately student be able to receive the necessary and timely support from teachers, providing confidence that allows us to achieve efficient learning education according to the needs of the environment social. Difficulties that arise in mathematical learning can be caused by the very nature of mathematics, teachers and methodology or those produced by own students. One of the problems of low achievement in mathematics is because the student does not know the issues discussed relate to the world around him becoming a purely theoretical e nt it y. 

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