Use of ICT technologies by teachers of public educational institutions in the city of Riohacha

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Eduard Ramirez Freyle
Stella Monroy Toro2
Javier Vargas Babilonia


Diagnostics, training, ICT, teachers


This article purpose is to think over the analysis of the use of the technological tools in the teachers in the public educational institutions at the city of Riohacha, turning in to a helping tool in the teaching-learning process, Creating cooperative spaces of formative and interdisciplinary work.
Because of the above, is required the professional development of the teacher in a technological enviroment to facilitate the creation of new educational enviroments using pedagogical strategies in the city classrooms.
The above would mean the improvement of the educational quality and the creation of new knowledges in
the students, which are now a relevant part of the pedagogical activity Given that one moves from the traditional teaching model to one where the student is the center of the process and the teacher is the guide.
This is the framework of concerns that justify the present work, which will reveal results that will serve to formulate proposals related to the management for decision making that allow the solution and development of public policies aimed at forming and training the Teachers, in the use of ICT technological tools, in a technological environment that generates educational impact at all levels in the region.
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