Theoretical structure around the microcontrolled system of drip irrigation

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Jorge Luis González
Diana Lucia Mendoza Garces
Jose Alfonso Yaguna Nuñez
Elkin Tobias Guerra Herrera


Automation, seedlings of tomato, greenhouse, temperature, humidity


The present study sought to propose a theoretical structure around the controller of irrigation system drip, finding such a study in the subject area: automation of processes, based on the methods of agricultural innovation and technology. Therefore, is that the system processes drip irrigation controller is the substitution of traditionally manual tasks they performed automatically by machines, robots or any other type of automation. Thus, the controller of drip irrigation system has very obvious advantages in industrial processes, among which can be formulated: (a) improvement in costs, both in service and quality; (b) the work is faster, without the need of a certain number of workers, which were previously required, among others.

Methodologically, it was an investigation into projective type, and depending on its level, the research was classified, observational and field; also found within the document design - descriptive. Under these premises, on the basis that the mathematical model was linked to the physical phenomenon produced in a greenhouse, the task of regulating the temperature and humidity of the interior according to classical control techniques is difficult, by the hybridization of the fuzzy control with the linearization via feedback from States, represented a useful tool for the solution of this problem the climate controller. Also, was obtained through the simulation, data agreed acceptably with the results considering using other control algorithms.  

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