Informal labor market in the cities of Riohacha and Maicao, La Guajira - Colombia

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Boris Romero Mora
Jaider Genes Díaz
Isidoro Ospino Meriño


Informality, informal commerce, unemployment, labor market


 The present research article analyzes the Labor Market Informal Urban Tertiary Sector in the municipalities of Riohacha and Maicao. The results of a field study on the current development of the informal urban labor market in the city of Riohacha are presented. This makes it possible to examine and diagnose the productive forms of exchange and consumption generated by indigenous, Afro-descendant, displaced and arijuna ethnic groups, 4 and their incidence in the dysfunctional informal trade flows of the respective municipalities. Such emergent spaces of the informal economy in the region are increasingly constituents of anomalies in production, since one of its main causes is the lack of a state management project that favors a public policy of inclusive education, with the aim of to promote job opportunities that guarantee a better quality of life for the citizens of these communities.
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