Evaluation of the project of sexual education and construction of citizenship in the educational institution the union of Sincelejo

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Adriana Cristina Pérez Aguilar
Becky Román Pérez


Education for Sexuality, construction of citizenship, citizenship, sexuality


This work was carried out at the Educational Institution of the Municipality of Sincelejo. It emerged from the difficulties in the implementation of the PESCC, whose objective was to evaluate it, in order to recommend
pertinent actions for the redesign, adjustment and changes for the continuous improvement of the same. The research paradigm is qualitative, of an interpretative type. The population was made up of 6 Directors, 35 teachers and 450 students of basic secondary and middle. The sample consisted of 2 managers, 8 teachers,
and 60 students. To collect data, an interview was applied to students and teachers and a characterization matrix to evaluate the design, implementation and evaluation of this project.
Among the results are the following: There is a diagnosis of PESCC, unknown by students and teachers; The PESCC does not work transversally and its evaluation process has weaknesses. It is recommended that the PESCC be designed, implemented and evaluated with the active participation of the educational community, working as a transversal axis and that the achievements and difficulties of the project be made known to the entire community for its strengthening. 


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