Environmental education as global strategy for sustainability

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Carla Patricia Ariza
Luis Ángel Rueda Toncel
Jainer Sardoth Blanchar


Environmental Education, Conscience, Sustentabilidad, Environmental Reality, Natural Environment


The environmental education is a process that tries to form and to create conscience in the human beings towards his environment, generating in them a degree of commitment, responsibility and a way of life compatible with the sustentabilidad, by means of the suitable exploration, exploitation, utilization, and managing of the natural resources. One of the aims of this work, is to describe the forms in which the individuals mean his social and environmental reality, across the different dimensions of the environmental education. In this respect the EA is orientated from a historical hermeneutic approach, which will allow to reconstruct all the facts and events that emphasize the participation of the persons, as creators of his environmental reality, with conscience and ethical thought towards the environmental values outlined from the interpretation of the facts that govern his interaction with the natural environment. In this article there is realized a documentary review that allows the summary of literature that it leads us to thinking over on the environmental education as a global strategy directed the solution of the environmental problems, having in it counts the relation that exists between the persons and his environment, which does not limit itself to considering the environment to be only the physical space where one gives a certain conduct, but to understanding the above mentioned relation, to dividing, of that this space will determine in the individual certain characteristics, which they will allow him to lay the foundations of a social identity affiliated to the environment and directed towards the sustentabilidad.

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