Abrupt changes in temperature in the city of Latacunga and the effects that this causes on the health of the inhabitants

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Raúl Humberto Montaluisa Pulloquinga
José Augusto Cadena Moreano
Luis Efraín Cayo Lema
Oscar Alejandro Guaypatín Pico
María Elena Tapia Granada


Climate, Climate Change, Temperature, Latacunga, Cotopaxi Volcano, Global Warming, Respiratory Diseases, Health Complications, Viral Diseases, Equatorial Zone


Global Warming has been affecting the whole world for about 15 years, with changes that at first seemed imperceptible to human sensibility, but today the changes are absolutely notorious and very drastic, among which are the climatic changes in several cities The city of Latacunga, being in the Ecuadorian mountains and almost the foot of the world-known Cotopaxi volcano, is susceptible to cold climates, as well as to the warm climate caused by the perpendicular rays of the sun in the equatorial zone.

Therefore it is considered important to treat as a research topic the sudden changes in temperature, as well as the health conditions of the inhabitants, which these can cause, it is important to address cases in which respiratory infections, viral attacks, decay in Certain chronic health problems of each person and many more than the greater detail and breadth will be raised in this document. 

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