Facial recognition based on images

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José Augusto Cadena Moreano
Raúl Humberto Montaluisa Pulloquinga
Galo Alfredo Flores Lagla
Juan Carlos Chancúsig Chisag
Oscar Alejandro Guaypatín Pico


Algorithms, automation, personal characteristics, stages, biometric tasks, methods, computers, biometric system, recognition techniques


The bases of the biometric system or identification systems have been established for a long time.

Nowadays these advances have helped in the identification of people, access to private sites and all places that need security and order with the help of computerized computers, who perform facial biometric recognition. Since it is exclusively based on images of human faces for their function. With the extraction of facial facials characteristics of each person provides information the same that used for the detection
of the face.
It will also address the different processes, stages, methods of feature extraction, which makes facial recognition systems. Including the positive and negative aspects of implementing these, the advantages and disadvantages, the criteria of people their bad and good side. With all of this mentioned, the silver issues in the document will be answered.

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