Relationship marketing to improve customer loyalty in savings and credit cooperatives in the canton of Latacunga- Ecuador

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Julio Ramiro Salazar Molina
Patricio Salazar
Jenny Guaigua


Client, loyalty, relationship marketing, Savings and Credit Cooperatives, strategies


In today’s society marketing is fundamental for companies and organizations: that want to emerge in the market, that experience changes and difficulties to understand the new environment, mainly the saturation of markets and the evolution of competition. In the companies and organizations, it was identified that one of the main problems in the business field is the inadequate application of customer loyalty strategies, taking into account that the approach of relational marketing allows to improve the quality of the service based on the personalized treatment in relation to the loyalty of both internal and external customers. Today customer loyalty is vital in business because the customer is the one who will finally decide the destiny of many companies and organizations, as it is who has the choice of purchase or consumption. Hence, this research aims at the study of relational marketing as a strengthening of small companies in the financial sector and
the design of the scheme of a marketing plan that include strategies for customer loyalty. The method used in this study is the descriptive; through the application of techniques of documentary analysis, observation and surveys.
For this purpose, a questionnaire is used for clients of the Cooperatives. The methodology is quantitative and qualitative, where the primary and secondary research is the same that is essential to support the results obtained in the research. The purpose of the project is to provide relevant information so that the small savings and credit cooperatives in the canton can apply it and strengthen themselves in the market both
competitively and economically, through the use of the relational marketing plan. Also, it will help to generate a long-term relationship between the client and the company. 
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