Editorial. For a radical and inclusive Pedagogy
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Pedagogy, education, training, awareness, com-plexity
he following is an introduction to a pedagogical approach that the author has been generating and publishing progressively, in hundreds of books and articles since 1992-93 to the present. In 2005 it was called ‘evolutionary complex’, and in 2014 it was renamed as ‘radical and inclusive’. This approach starts from a metaphor. Invite to observe education as if it were a tree or an iceberg. It concludes that what we can consider ‘our education’ only perceives and identifies with the trunk, the branches, the flowers, the fruits ... or the emerged part of the iceberg. And that the submerged, the radical, the buried part is completely abandoned, without realizing its vital importance for the whole being. The only possi-ble attention is the total, including the one that emerges, the sink, the ecosystem, the climate, diseases, water, etc. Everything seems to indi-cate that our education is focused on the exter-nal: the social, the practical, the profitable, the technologies, the results, etc. This perception is correct, but it is partially and dangerously in-complete: the exterior without the interior is like a compass that does not rest firmly on paper. Peda-gogy is not informing us that the resulting line in people and societies is peripheral, that this un-derstanding, proper to the West, comes from an education based on knowledge, and that what is known is born of myopia. Myopia is a disease of sight that is acquired. When you have it, it looks good, but only up close. The horizon is not part of the figure or the background. And the horizondoes count in education. There are two kinds of horizons: the exterior and the interior. The first is associated with development, progress. Of the second, nothing can be written. However, it is the key to a focused education. Only a centered education can favor the exterior-interior balance. From this dialectic better understood and better resolved could aspire to evolve in complexity-consciousness, not only to progress. The path is concrete and does not start on the surfaces or in the peripheries: it begins in each being and takes place from each self-consciousness. It is the path of formation, based on interiorization and consciousness. A redefined Pedagogy, more open to its roots and, in this sense, deeper and more lucid, can be of great help in processes of observation and presentation of alternatives. For all this, Socrates, Philosophy, Psychology and, in general, the West is of little use to us.
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