Editorial. Education is an encounter with the other

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Pedro Ortega Ruiz


encounter with the other, education


Ortega y Gasset says that "things have not been done well until it has been necessary", until it has been necessary, inevitable. I think that in education the time has come to "do things right", not to prolong, over time, a situation that, clearly, demands from everyone a determined action to change course and find, together, a different way to educate more respectful with the other who we are responsible for The possibility of building a community in which nobody feels an object, subject to the will of power, but rather a citizen, owner of his own destiny, goes through it. Education affects, by its very nature, in all dimensions of the person, also in the social sphere. There is no indifferent or neutral education to what each student lives, to the circumstances of his existence. It is always the other, in the reality of his existence, in the warp of his life, the recipient of the educating action. To educate is to help the construction of a new creature (person) and a new society, in accordance with the ethical principles of justice andnsolidarity. "Life is what to do," says Ortega y Gasset. The education of the new generations is also a permanent "task", a constant construction plagued  of successes and failures. But it is also an impossible task to perform if you do not have some convictions (values) minimally settled on what is the world in which you live, on man and on himself. Only on these convictions is it possible to educate, and only on them is it possible to live as humans.

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