Evaluating scientific result´s considerations in educational researchs

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Adalberto Fernández Sotelo
María Giuseppina Vanga Arvelo


dimensions, educational research, indicators, potential clients, scientific result’s evaluation.


Based on the contribution and criteria of other researchers and their personal investigative experience, the authors express its considerations on scientific result’s evaluation derived from
educational investigations, when there are no experts on the subject because of the novelty of the proposed change. In this sense, the article describes, through an example, the process that follows scientific result’s assessment, based on the criterion of the potential clients for their introduction, as well as the processing and analysis of the information obtained, with instruments, techniques and procedures of the non-parametric statistics. The obtained results demonstrate the functionality of the applied procedure, promoting the feasibility of its use by other researchers in different contexts, as an alternative to evaluate more objectively the scientific results in qualitative and mixed research, very common in science of education’s area.

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