Skills for citizen education, needs of the network society in a globalized world: diagnostic evaluation.
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Citizen Skills, Students, Citizen Training, Society Network, Globalization
The present study seeks to evaluate the skills in citizen education that the second year students of an educational establishment in the city of Osorno possess, considering them necessary to develop in the network society in a globalized world. In the present study an instrument called “Diagnostic Evaluation of Citizenship Education” validated by the Ministry of Education of Chile was used, as objectives were set to determine the skills that students have in the field of understanding information and social processes, the communication and valuation of citizens’ rights and duties and the evaluation and participation in a plural society. According to Kerlinger and Lee (2002). The research is nonexperimental in nature. According to Hernández, R.; Fernández, C. and Baptista, P. (2003) is descriptive. His approach was quantitative (Tamayo, 2004). The population corresponded to 104 students and the sample to whom the questionnaire was applied was 99 students enrolled in the first semester of 2017. The main results were that students consider that the main action to democratize their student center is to participate in the organization of the electoral process, promoting the discussion of projects, the students, would seek to integrate the entire educational community to solve the problems of school violence, which the organization of united nations is important for the member countries as it normatively supports the plan legal maintenance of peace, that there is still no equity in the remuneration received by women and men and that a citizen’s right, in terms of politics, is to participate actively in presidential, parliamentary, municipal and council elections.
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