Risks evaluation ergonomic and its incidence in health of the workers of the Rural parochial GAD Alluriquin

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Cristian Espín
Mayra Lorena Espín Beltrán
Ludy Zambrano


Prevention, Risk Program Ergonomic, RULA Method


In the present investigation, a study of the ergonomic risk factors for the GAD PARROQUIAL RURAL ALLURIQUÍN was carried out to design a prevention program. An identification of the most significant ergonomic risk factors were started using the matrix of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Hygiene recommended by the Ministry of Labor, and then the RULA method was used for the evaluation of jobs. We determined the exposure of all ergonomic risk factors detected as critical in the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders to a targeted sample of a given population. The design of a prevention program; The product of this work determined measures of prevention of the aspects established as high risk in terms of: work content, space conditions, comfort of work and organizational factors using formats and structure recommended by Ecuadorian legislation and international standards.

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