Editorial. Fundamentals for a Pedagogy of Knowledge and of Not Knowing

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Agustín de la Herrán Gascón


Pedagogy of Knowledge, Pedagogy of Not Knowing


The book entitled "Fundamentals for a Pedagogy of Knowledge and Not Knowing" (Herrán Gascón, A. de la, São Paulo: Edições Hipótese, 2018) serves the purpose of contributing to the necessary radical renovation of Pedagogy and Didactics, to favor a more coherent and complete education and training based on conscience.

It is based on the thesis that the legacy of Socrates is limiting for education, and conditions the construct 'formation' and the evolution of Pedagogy and Didactics.

Today both disciplines are partially valid, because their base, erected on learning, knowing and on a partial idea of formation, is incomplete. Its emphasis on knowledge - read not only learning knowledge, but knowing how to think, know how to feel, know how to be, know how to live together, know how to do, know how to manage emotions, know instructional content or guidance, know competences, etc. -limits education and training.

They do not seem to realize this possibility, it seems, international education bodies, laws and education systems, nor most pedagogues and researchers of education.

Historically, a bias has been dragged into these disciplines, since the teaching of great pedagogues or masters of the formation of the East has not been incorporated, with a different perspective. Our position is that without the understanding they offer - and that apparently is ignored by the 'occidentalism' (or ism of the West) in which we live, empowered by globalization, - education can not be complete, nor can it be understood at all.

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