Building creativity through online discussion forums

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Martha Lucía Lara Freire
Silvia Nataly Bejarano Criollo
Wilson Gonzalo Rojas Yumisaca


high order thinking skills, creating skills, online discussion forums, interaction, Virtual Classroom, virtual classroom


The objective of this study was to motivate students to develop high thinking skills, specifically “creating” through online discussion forums. For this purpose, a proposal was presented; the first step was to create a Virtual Classroom for students to actively interact in the discussion forums. The proposal lasted 15 weeks and during the intervention students had to post and participate in 5 discussion forums about different topics related to the English Center syllabus for Level Four. The sample were 30 students from the English Center at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo who filled an initial and a satisfaction survey and took a pre-test and a post-test. There were two research groups, the experimental and the control one. Once the intervention concluded, the scores of the experimental group in the pre-test, post-test were analyzed, at the same time, the pre-test, and post-test of the experimental group and control group were compared. The students’ participation in the online discussion forums was assessed by applying a rubric. The statistic Chi-square was used to prove the hypothesis. The teacher’s effective feedback, the time students had to participate in the discussion forums, and the environment (virtual) played an important role in this research. It was concluded that the students interaction in the online discussion forums influence positively in the developing of the “creating” thinking skill.

Abstract 293 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 382


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Nagappan, R. (2001). Language Teaching and the Enhancement of High-Order Thinking Skills. Malaysia: Anthology series.

Paul Carrillo, M. O. (2010). Information Technology and Student Achievement . En Evidence from a Ramdomized study in Ecuador. Quito.

Topliff, D. (2017). Angelo State University. Obtenido de

Torres, C. A. (2007). Comparative Education. En C. A. Torres, The Dialect of the Global and Local (pág. 448). Washington: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Wikipedia. (9 de October de 2017). Benjamin Bloom. Obtenido de

Wikipedia The Free ENcyclopedia. (4 de February de 2018). Obtenido de

Cavanaugh, T. (6 de March de 2008). Drscavanaugh educational technology. Obtenido de

Christopher, M. (2003). Raising the bar: Encouraging high level thinking in online discussion forums. En M. Christopher, A review of gifted education (pág. 171). Journal News.

Council, T. B. (Mayo de 2015). Education Intelligence. Obtenido de English in Ecuador:

GATE Gabinete de Tele-Educadores. (2013).

Herr, N. (2007). The sourcebook for teaching sicence. Obtenido de

Higley, M. (2013). Benefits of asynchronous e-learning. eLearning Insdustry.

Kaur, M. (2011). Using Online Forums in Language Lerning and Education. Inquiries Journal.

Lara, M. (2016). Flipped teaching method implementation to improve high order thinking skills . Riobamba: UNACH.

Matar, N. (2015). Research Gate. Obtenido de

McLoughlin, D. (2009). An analysis of high order thinking on online discussions. Innovation in Education and Teaching International, 160.

Moodlenet. (5 de May de 2006). Obtenido de

Nagappan, R. (2001). Language Teaching and the Enhancement of High-Order Thinking Skills. Malaysia: Anthology series.

Paul Carrillo, M. O. (2010). Information Technology and Student Achievement . En Evidence from a Ramdomized study in Ecuador. Quito.

Topliff, D. (2017). Angelo State University. Obtenido de

Torres, C. A. (2007). Comparative Education. En C. A. Torres, The Dialect of the Global and Local (pág. 448). Washington: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Wikipedia. (9 de October de 2017). Benjamin Bloom. Obtenido de

Wikipedia The Free ENcyclopedia. (4 de February de 2018). Obtenido de

Christopher, M. (2003). Raising the bar: Encouraging high level thinking in online discussion forums. En M. Christopher, A review of gifted education (pág. 171). Journal News.

Council, T. B. (Mayo de 2015). Education Intelligence. Obtenido de English in Ecuador:

Herr, N. (2007). The sourcebook for teaching sicence. Obtenido de

Kaur, M. (2011). Using Online Forums in Language Lerning and Education. Inquiries Journal.

Lara, M. (2016). Flipped teaching method implementation to improve high order thinking skills . Riobamba: UNACH.

Matar, N. (2015). Research Gate. Obtenido de

McLoughlin, D. (2009). An analysis of high order thinking on online discussions. Innovation in Education and Teaching International, 160.

Nagappan, R. (2001). Language Teaching and the Enhancement of High-Order Thinking Skills. Malaysia: Anthology series.

Paul Carrillo, M. O. (2010). Information Technology and Student Achievement . En Evidence from a Ramdomized study in Ecuador. Quito.

Torres, C. A. (2007). Comparative Education. En C. A. Torres, The Dialect of the Global and Local (pág. 448). Washington: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Wikipedia. (9 de October de 2017). Benjamin Bloom. Obtenido de

Council, T. B. (Mayo de 2015). Education Intelligence. Obtenido de English in Ecuador:

Herr, N. (2007). The sourcebook for teaching sicence. Obtenido de

Kaur, M. (2011). Using Online Forums in Language Lerning and Education. Inquiries Journal.

Lara, M. (2016). Flipped teaching method implementation to improve high order thinking skills . Riobamba: UNACH.

Matar, N. (2015). Research Gate. Obtenido de

McLoughlin, D. (2009). An analysis of high order thinking on online discussions. Innovation in Education and Teaching International, 160.

Nagappan, R. (2001). Language Teaching and the Enhancement of High-Order Thinking Skills. Malaysia: Anthology series.

Paul Carrillo, M. O. (2010). Information Technology and Student Achievement . En Evidence from a Ramdomized study in Ecuador. Quito.

Torres, C. A. (2007). Comparative Education. En C. A. Torres, The Dialect of the Global and Local (pág. 448). Washington: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Wikipedia. (9 de October de 2017). Benjamin Bloom. Obtenido de