The educational project, the main document of the school

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María del Carmen Gómez Gómez
María Esther Olveira Olveira


Educational proyects, educational legislation, teachers schools


The Educational Project is a document to be prepared by the staff of the center in order to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs and demands that may arise.
This document should be reflected all about identity, organization and curricular development; thus all factors that affect the daily life of schools and interrelated enter if you know at all times what their mission and purpose.

In addition to organizing, this document reveals the peculiarities of each school giving them a character that is defined by the people who make the educational community and the environment in which it is located. Therefore it is an instrument of organization and identity.

The Educational Project must comply with current regulations at national and regional level, since at present the Autonomous Communities have competence in education. It is the Educational Center project, the document "pillar" of a school, covering all areas and therefore is broad legislation that conditions.

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