Neurosciences at the service of marketing in municipal management in the south of the department of La Guajira
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Neurosciences, Neuromarketing, Management, Planning
The neurosciences and their diverse applications in the XXI century, pose challenges of knowledge with great value to different disciplines that are deployed even to the management sciences, by virtue of their contributions. In addition to this, these processes have a place in the administration, municipal public management, essentially because they are processes that require planning, especially when taking into account the variable contexts and uncertainty that are experienced at present, in order to develop later a set of determining activities that allow the fulfillment of the objectives according to the proposed lines of action. With regard to the above, Braidot (2009) points out that Neuromarketing is an advanced discipline, whose function is to investigate and study brain processes that make the behavior and decision making of people in the fields of action of a clear way clearer. Traditional marketing (market intelligence, design of products and services, communications, prices, positioning, targeting, channels, sales, loyalty). Methodologically the research responds to the qualitative approach since the ethnographic method outlined in the epistemic paradigm is experiential introspective. The data collection was carried out through observation and semi-structured interviews, which gave way to the structuring of the cognitive process through the memos and the integration of the same together with the triangulation. The previous facilitated the fulfillment of the general purpose; understanding of the categories and, in turn, the derivative; generate substantive theoretical guidelines.
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