The development of spelling competence in Education studies

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Elia Saneleuterio


Spelling Competence, Orthography Teaching, Writing, Higher Education, Teaching Training


Although communicative competence, and specifically written expression, is planned as transversal in most pregratuate studies, the expected standard does not seem clear.

In addition, at the university, only a minority of professors or lecturers assume it as a personal challenge, specially about questions of orthographic competence. Most of them, by
contrast, consider that it is not their business, do not know how to act or think that it is impossible to include in their syllabus and schedules.

However, in the teacher training these last two reasons are not justified, since the teaching plans of all universities ensure the scope of the competence in linguistic communication and all its subcompetences.

The proposal is to become aware of this reality and face it with a realistic and operative approach, through an innovative pedagogical design in the development of spelling competence in the university, which has been put into practice through teacher training in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education. In addition, the proposal is strategic, given the influence, in the written skills of university students, of the linguistic competence of their preceding stages teachers.


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