The use of ict’s in l2 learning and the generational gap in Ecuador

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Boris Cristian Cadena Murga
Silvana Patricia Célleri Quinde
Mónica Paulina Castillo Niama


Generational Gap, L2 Learning, ICT´s, Learning Management System


The main purpose of this work was to determine the ICT’s gap between generations of learners and instructors. The methodology applied was a qualitative paradigm, which supports analyzing, and interpreting of data. Also, it was a field research and a descriptive study. The total population was 450 students and 50 instructors from Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. A sample of 126 students and 18 instructors was taken. A survey was carried out on students and instructors and was analyzed using Central Tendency Measures. The results of the study have been summarized into three relevant questions such as the frequency teachers used ICT’s in class, the various types of ICT’s used, and the perceptions of teachers’ need for training in the use of ICT’s. The results showed that the gap can be easily observed since instructor almost never rely on the use of ICT´s whereas learners demand their use on a daily basis. Finally, the conclusion obtained through this research showed that the use of ICT´s provides self-confidence to learners, especially Gens Y-Z, who are involved in the technology flow, playing an active role in the learning process. Besides, teachers see to be updated on the use of technology as a necessity which would help to improve their teaching performance.


Abstract 204 | PDF Downloads 169


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