Invisible learning through information and communication technologies
Main Article Content
Invisible learning, learning, standards, methodological strategies, curricular adaptations, trends
The present research was applied to the students of the sixth course at “Antonio Carrillo Moscoso” educational unit, Plundero canton, Tungurahua province, had done the application of the invisible learning it was realized within the teaching process, whom are the direct beneficiaries of this new teaching-learning methodology.
This study showed that teachers have limitations when they manage new information and communication technologies (NTIC´S) to be applied in education system, without manage it, as tools to support the learning process; It was reflected that this type of learning is not properly socialized with the teachers, keep from implement tools methods, techniques of work to be applied in the classroom. For this research were used several work processes, being one of these the bibliographic and analytical study, which allowed to support the existing theories on the invisible learning and the benefits that it brings with it to be applied within the institutions of education; Another essential method was the field research which helped to study the knowledge of this methodology directly within
the institution, in this context it was possible to analyze that the information and communication technologies that have an important role and help the learning process of the students. Some teachers said that it is a distracting method for learners so they do not use this way frequently.
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