Ontosemiotic analysis of the notion of function in the institutional curriculum: the case of a Tunjana Educational Institution

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Andrés Fabián Álvarez Cipamocha
José Francisco Leguizamón Romero


Mathematics didactics, curriculum, textbooks, pedagogical practice, Ontosemiotic Approach to Knowledge and Mathematical Instruction


Attending to the principles of mathematics didactics, where the aim is to establish the understanding and explanation of the teaching and learning processes of mathematical objects. The institutional curriculum, referred to as the duo <Basic Standards of Competencies and textbook>, plays an important role in the emergence of the notion of the mathematical object function. Thus, as a preliminary report of an investigation within the Master's program in Mathematics Education of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, it is considered relevant to identify the possible relationships between the meanings intended by the curriculum of a Tunjana educational institution and the meaning global reference of the function object.
In this sense, the Ontosemiótico Approach of the Knowledge and Mathematical Instruction - EOS, provides a theoretical base that supports the investigation; Likewise, it offers tools for text analysis, which allow identifying the configurations of emerging and intervening objects in the system of practices suggested by the described pair. In this way, this document describes the main findings that will make it possible to show the relationships that exist or not within the educational institution under study.

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