The Resilient Behaviors of Students of Last Grade of Primary Basic Education

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Bertilda Isabel Medrano Muñoz
William Armando Salgado Pájaro
Viviana Monterroza Montes


Resilience, social fragilities, resilient assertive, resilient mediator


The purpose of the present study is to discern the resilient behaviors of students, of the last grade of Elementary Primary education, around negative or adverse situations of academic, disciplinary, social and family, that is, characteristic of the formative, behavioral processes and normative that presents the student population in the educational context.

The research was carried out in the educational institution Francisco José de Caldas, municipality of Corozal of the department of Sucre, located in the Caribbean region of Colombia. The methodological design used is located in the qualitative paradigm and corresponds to the comprehensive type, that is, where the researcher makes clear the objective of his work from the theoretical-epistemic character, with greater rigor. The study allowed to show results that show the school and the educational context as the places where the greatest social fragility is shown, for the children that cause conflictive situations and lack of assertiveness when resolving adverse situations. But despite this situation it is emphasized that resilience enters as a driving force to overcome such circumstances.

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