Public policy of educational coverage and mental health of teachers. strategies for optimization

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Diana Elizabeth Díaz Rivero
Luís Alberto Aragón Rodelo


public policy, coverage, mental health


This article is part of the research developed in the doctoral thesis entitled Public Policy Coverage and Mental Health of teachers. Strategies for its Optimization, which had the purpose of generating strategies that contribute to reflection and self-reflection to propose changes in the implementation of educational policies, specifically what affects the mental health of the teacher. This study was based on the socio-critical paradigm and the methodology used was the Participatory Action Research, the information was collected through observation, interviews, instruments of inquiry of previous ideas, with a methodological design supported by the RED CIMAS scheme. carried out with homogeneous groups of teachers, officials of the Municipal Education Secretary, of the General Clinic of the North, which allowed through the actors of the investigation to identify the main demands of the teachers in the face of their labor and health conflicts both physical and mental. In order to guarantee the validity, the triangulation was carried out in order to contrast the data obtained by the actors of the research, the experience of the researcher, with the problem, the questions, and the purposes, analyzing the set of the opinions under different theoretical visions. . It should be noted that the transformative actions arising in the different homogeneous groups showed that the teachers reached a more critical and reflective view in relation to the need to train for the management of numerous and dissimilar groups, and the change of attitude to improve towards a style of healthy life that mitigates the effects of coverage and the different situations inherent to the position, thus achieving significant progress. It was found that the IAP pedagogical strategy is highly relevant to foster reflective and critical attitudes, generating active participation of teachers and desires for change in their work environment.

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