The ethics and values of teachers in public educational institutions of the municipality of Barrancas department of la Guajira, Colombia

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Lili María Aarón Zubiría
Yuli Inés Liñán Cuello
Deyner Javier Manjarres Fragozo


ethics, values, moral behavior and code of ethics


The study was aimed to analyze the values that govern the ethical behavior of professors at public educational institutions of the municipality of Barrancas, Department of Guajira Colombia. It was based on the theoretical approaches - conceptual, in the field of management by values, organizational ethics and codes of ethics, authors like Guédez (2007), Fernandez (2005), Graterol (2008), Frontodona (2007), Contreras (2011), Rockeach (1974), among others. Methodologically, the research is supported in a mixed design analytical type documentary and field, given the nature of the study qualitative - quantitative. The population was comprised of 175 teachers, belonging to institutions in study, using for this as shown by the entire population, which gave character of population census. For the collection of data, applied a questionnaire with mixed response scale (Likert-type scale and open). The validity of the questionnaire was determined by the judgement of experts, the discriminant analysis and the coefficient alpha of Cronbach, whose result was 0.93. For reliability we used statistic of the two halves, yielding a result of 0.92. The results of the study indicated high presence of instrumental values and end within the moral behaviour of teachers.

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