Rethinking key ideas in education
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dominant ideas in education
In the current circumstances -in a world of technological changes, where scientific advances are surpassing our capacity for reflection-, it is timely and perhaps necessary, in order to dispel our doubts, to stop and think about the clichés and stereotypes that are given to us as truths but inalterable, yes at least as safe milestones. Of course, it is more comfortable to reproduce bases and foundations held by certain than to assume the methodical doubt, the relevant debate and the rigorous revision of the pillars and budgets that we have and take for certain.
As intellectuals, dedicated to and committed to the educational task, we are convinced of the need to review the fundamentals and beliefs most taken into consideration by teachers, politicians, parents and, ultimately, by society regarding that activity. So much so that we believe that it is an inescapable and peremptory necessity to rethink the dominant ideas in education. And this for multiple reasons.
In our country, we have witnessed profound changes in the field of politics. The advent of democracy has led to new institutional formats that have nothing to do with those of 35 years ago: the new values and the sense of equality in democracy, among other foundations, have transformed our political context. And obviously, the school is also a recipient of such changes. For example, the compulsory school, which is a paradigmatic example because, in democracies more rooted and exemplary than ours, school education is not mandatory. It is therefore necessary to reflect and carry out self-criticism of consistencies and values that have been presented to us in a temporal perspective as static. The reader will find our approach to questions of this nature in the first part of this book from the perspective of the transmission of values (fundamental aspect of any policy), democracy itself, equality or compulsory in the field of education.