The concept of education and the knowledge of education

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José Manuel Touriñán López


The concept of education, knowledge of education


The change from the nominal definition to the real definition requires discovering the features of education and understanding them in their functioning. We must explain each of the features of the physiognomy of the defined thing. So, not only do we discern a thing of its appearance, what it is of what it is not, but also, we circumscribe precisely the limits where education begins and ends, its unitary profile, because knowing what education is is not just knowing discern, but also know how to define and understand the concept.
From the perspective of knowledge of education, three possible meanings of cultural areas as an instrument of education, in any of their manifestations and that give meaning to the relationship between cultural areas and education, are identified and defined, taking into account the formative meaning of 'education'. "As education", "as a cultural experience" and "as professional and vocational experience", that is, the conceptual difference of the cultural area as a field of education is justified.

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