Curricular analysis of the graduation profile from the experience of the users

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Celia C Carrera Hernández
Yolanda Isaura Lara García
Josefina Madrigal Luna


graduation profile, curriculum, higher education, evaluation


The present qualitative research was approached from the phenomenology with a case study, with the objective of comprehensively evaluating the graduate profile of the Educational Intervention Degree (LIE) offered by the National Pedagogical University of the State of Chihuahua (UPNECH) a from the experience of the students who attend the eighth semester of the LIE and the perception of their teachers. Techniques such as observation, interview and survey were applied. Participants were 50 students from the 20013-2018 generation and 10 teachers who gave them courses during their training process. The evaluation of programs with a receptive-comprehensive approach (Stake, 2007) was considered based on the reflection on the relationship curriculum-society. The epistemic view was critical to identify from an exercise of self-reflection the barriers that affected the achievement of the graduation profile and the positive aspects that they identified as favoring. It was found that the main barrier to achieving the graduation profile is teaching since students dominate the content, but do not assume a reflective stance regarding their training process, the achievements obtained and especially their role as a social transformer. For this reason, the university needs to generate open spaces of dialogue within the university to recover the evaluations, perceptions and experiences of professors and students in order to reorient the processes of curriculum implementation and the redesign of the same.

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