Burnout Syndrome in Health Professionals in public and private institutions: an analysis in the province of Loja-Ecuador

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María Elizabeth Vivanco Vivanco
Carmen Delia Sánchez León
Ruth Patricia Maldonado Rivera
Elsa Rosa Nora Erique Ortega


Burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, health professionals


The professionals of the health institutions, is one of the groups with greater risk to develop Burnout syndrome because they are in activities that encourage the increase of stress levels. This research was conducted in public and private health centers of Cariamanga, Catamayo and Macará in the province of Loja, southern Ecuador. Using exploratory and correlational methods, we found the absence of Burnout syndrome in physicians and nurses under study, while physicians presented emotional exhaustion in 20.7%, depersonalization in 3.4% and low personal achievement in 62.1%. The nurses will show emotional exhaustion in 16.7%, 0% in depersonalization and in 100% in low personal fulfillment. The results obtained allow registering a precedent on the importance of the design and implementation of prevention programs of the syndrome in these health institutions.

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