Concerning education, curriculum and organizational development. Tomo XVI

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Julio César Arboleda


Education, curriculum and organizational development


Education, curriculum and organizational development are the central themes around which most of the articles collected in volume XVI of the International Research Collection revolve. These works have been developed within the framework of investigative and reflexive processes.

Some chapters constitute reflections and experiences in terms of training, both in research and in other fields and practices of knowledge and knowledge. Others analyze topics related to research and the processes of appropriation, management and use of knowledge. And some more revolve around experiences and didactic, evaluative and methodological processes with the technological resource and other devices, in front of enhancing the learning in certain domains of knowledge.

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Arboleda, J.C. y otros (2018). Educación, el currículo y desarrollo organizacional. En: Colección internacional de Investigación Educativa, Tomo XVI. Editorial Redipe, 455 p.