Application of the mode in the development of creativity in the drawing of pre-schematic children

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Nelson Oyarzún Oyarzún


Infatile art, modeling tecniques, creativity, pre-schematic drawings


This article presents the modeling techique applied to the process of teaching on visual arts. How it influence and enhance the development of creativity in the drawings of pre-schematic childrens, betwen the ages of 4 and 6. The objective of this study is to show how the modeling generates a development of creativity on drawing, incorporating critics that allow the improvement of the process. The desing was experimental, with a control group and measurements done “before” and “after”, for the dependent and independent variables. The results show that in the pre-schematic stage, when the modeling technique has been tried to be applied, it develops an improvement on the creative capacity of the child, especially on the drawing scheme, spacial concept and the use of color. However, the major incorporation of the mentioned elements origins in the human figure, resulting from the action of the modeling.
The clases revealed that the greatest artistic preocupation of the kids keeps being to represent themselves and the world that surrounds them, through the game with modeling masses.

The pedagogic innovation of the teacher is to incorporate activities and motivations on the modeling, that indirectly motivates the creativity development in a natural way, in the stages of infantile art. Without interfiering the spontaneity that belongs to children.


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