Social inclusion in psychosocial attention to victims in socio-educational and family programs in peace contexts

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Clara Judith Brito Carrillo
Ana Rita Villa Navas
Cielo Caicedo Manjarres


Contexts of peace, inclusion, psychosocial, socio-educational, victims


Social inclusion in psychosocial care for victims in socio-educational and family programs in contexts of peace, is a response to the multiple conflictive situations evidenced in the vulnerable sectors of society, and is the product of research entitled: impact of the program of social inclusion in the psychosocial care of victims in the trunk of the Caribbean of the department of La Guajira, becoming a challenge of opportunities and possibilities for the populations settled in a geostrategic area of ​​great economic, political, social and cultural importance of the department of La Guajira.

That is why the socio-educational actions that the Program of psychosocial assistance to victims was analyzed, which indicates "Set of activities, procedures and interdisciplinary interventions designed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection for comprehensive health care and psychosocial care . They can be developed individually or collectively and in any case aimed at overcoming the health and psychosocial effects related to the victimizing event "(Decree 4800 of 2011, Article 164). However, 70% of these families have not benefited from the privileges, guidelines and strategies of the victim assistance program, and on the other hand, they coexist in vulnerable and stigmatized sectors.

Likewise, fears persist due to conflictive situations at the family level, in this sense, the results of the research, allowed the improvement of conditions and quality of life, analysis of the obstacles that have affected the individual, family and community, due to the distanced from governmental and non-governmental actions.


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