The Estrangement Experience In The Proposals For Childhood

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Sandra Lorena Arango Cardona


preschool education, childhood, symbol, transcendent function, analytic psychology, estrangement experience


The present work seeks to socialize some sections of a pedagogical experience of a preschool in the city of Cali - Colombia, in which was woven during an academic year, a plausible format in which the children established themselves in the role of explorers and addressed the mission of rescuing the characters of the classic stories of the Brothers Grimm who had been kidnapped by the Grey Men from the  Momo’s Michael Ende story. This proposal had as its axis the symbolic game, promoted by intertextuality, and the decision to assume the educational act from a poetic perspective. We will share the notion of experience of alienation from the approach of Cortazar (literature) and Everaert-Desmedt (semiotics), which encourages the search, analysis, contrast and establishment of plans of action, while summoning children in the framework of cooperative relationships with peers and adults, in order to experience the collective purpose of finding and experiencing the mystery.

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