Psychological and social benefits of the unisex locker rooms in physical education lessons

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Joseba Koldo Etxeberria Zapirain


Physical Education, unisex locker rooms, mixed changing rooms, self-esteem, body schema, body shyness


In our secondary school for Physical Education classes, perhaps the only case in the world, sometimes there have been three locker rooms; one for boys, one for girls, and a third unisex or mixed, for boys and girls who want to have a shower naked and to change clothes together. In these cases it has conducted an investigation to determine possible psychological and social consequences that the unisex experience causes in teenagers. The results of the study conclude that both boys and girls involved in unisex changing room, improve on their body image, improve their body esteem, they suffer a decrease in body shyness, decrease in them sexist attitudes, and lose strength the food restrictive behaviors for aesthetic reasons. Changes that do not suffer students who do not go to mixed locker room. This article presents the study conducted, its findings and conclusions.

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