Training as a previous action in a methodology to implement a procedural manual
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Training, procedures manual, support processes
The IFAL in the context of the actions carried out at the country level, the MES and the University of Havana for the implementation of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution, as well as to perfect the implementation of the System of internal control as a method of quality management aimed at the search for efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and institutional competitiveness.
The present work is the result of a research project developed in the IFAL-UH since 2017. “Model of institutional management with a process approach”, the introduction of this model requires the organization of a set of training actions that contribute to The preparation of the actors of the different processes for the performance of the functions that correspond to the institutional tasks. As we already have the partial result related to the Procedures Manual of support processes, the objective of this work is to base the training program for the implementation of the mentioned manual.
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