The future of ethics - tests on complexity in its new conjecture - two perspectives

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Carlos Roberto Sabbi
Agustín de la Herrán Gascón


Behavior, Consciousness, Development, Ethic, Future


From the context of contemporaneity, highlighting the behavioral patterns adopted and the possible changes in the way of living, given the technological and scientific advances, will the concept of ethics be transformed? To find a possible image of this future is the objective of these reflections that the authors seek to construct, from the elements available for this projection, each one with its perspectives. Adopting a reconstructive hermeneutic methodology, the article develops, from some key elements, some possibilities, based on theoretical tendencies supported by the current scenario and launched to a future point. The conclusions, which start from the complexity of ethics, in its whole range of virtues, and the capacity of the human being to improve them, culminate in an even more labyrinthine conjuncture and the possibility of having to redo the concepts of the most various elements that make up the virtue, to adjust the future scenario with the human conscience itself. What remains is the hope that new situations emerge and succeed in promoting a meaningful policing of the subject's postures in order to keep pace with development and changes in life.

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