Critical thinking and the improvement of trainee middle school english teachers’ teaching skills

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Ricardo Rafael Macareno Flores
Benjamín Gutiérrez Gutiérrez


critical thinking, rainee teacher students, internship, communicative approach


The development of critical thinking skills among trainee teachers is essential based on the idea that teaching is a decision-making activity.

This article presents the results of a research study conducted in a normal school for English middle school teachers in Puebla, Mexico. The main aim of it is to propose a teaching training strategy, based on the critical thinking theory, to help trainee middle school English teacher students to improve their daily performance
during their internship under the communicative approach principles. The study used a preexperimental
design in the scope of quantitative methodology. The population participating in this research was a single group of 12 participants observed and evaluated before and after an intervention using a performance evaluation rubric for data collection. It was found that the intervention helped to improve teaching by changing practices commonly used by English student teachers that include teacher center classes, the use of mother tongue as the main language of communication, grammar contentbased classes, and the lack of opportunities for students to develop communicative skills.


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