Political Formation at the Anthropocene School

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Edgar Arias Orozco
Adriana Obando Aguirre
Alejandra González Herrera https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8122-4118


Anthropocene, political education, school, nature, education


The new understanding that fosters the gaze of the Anthropocene, poses profound challenges not only to the agents of global economic and political power, but to the entire human species. In this context of transformation, a rereading of the role of the school in the transmission and critical discussion on this explanation of greater transcendence and the opportunity to revise the purposes, Meanings and actions of political formation in the school context: What is the Anthropocene’s task to the school in its formative task of the political subject? Can the school contribute to the reflection and analysis on the necessary reorganization of socio-natural relations in the perspective of contributing, at least, to a greater sustainability of the planet? The question of political formation in school would even involve a questioning of the very meaning of education in the age of the Anthropocene

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