The perceptions of indigenous students towards the occidental educational system of the english class: a study in an Ecuadorian Public University
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Occidental Philosophy, Andean Philosophy, Acculturation, Cognitive Justice
This investigation aimed to find out the way a group of Indigenous students perceives the occidental educational system of the English class. This Emic micro-ethnography was conducted with a sample of 30 participants, who are students of distinct English levels of a Public University located in the highlands of Ecuador. This sample was divided into two groups. Phenomenological interviews were carried out with the first group, in turn, its data were compared with that of the Questionnaire of the second group. The obtained results disclose that the lack of a real cognitive justice in the English class leads Indigenous students to feel as folklore producers, and not as Ecuadorian citizens who can teach different realities that contribute to the construction of an inclusive society. In general, this target group kindly demands in English classes not only a development of their national identity but also of their ethnic one.
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