Creativity and imagination in the classroom, inspiring metaphors
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writing center, creativity, imagination, didactics, critical workshop
In its mission to strengthen reading and writing processes as fundamental practices for integral training, the Centro de Escritura Telar (CE-Telar of the Universidad Mayor de Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Colombia) has become a vital axis. Based on a working method focused on critical didactics, in this academic unit, among other activities, advice and seminars are given to improve the discursive, dialogic and argumentative production of students, teachers and members of the institution. From the teaching and researching experience, the importance of the gradual implementation of the Critical Workshop methodology is examined as a didactic strategy that allows dialogue, admits error and feedback, on the basis of encouraging creativity and imagination to the Handmade textual production.
The work is part of the Critical Didactics postulates and the researchers’ findings who have contemplated the argumentation, the critical method and the collaborative function of the teacher as part of the strategy to develop reading and writing skills at a University level.
The information is based on the work sessions with the community during the second semester of 2018 and first semester of 2019, in two of the service modalities: first, personalized advising sessions; and second, seminars and workshops on reading and writing.
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